


On July 14th, Emil Lerner found and explored new ways of HTTP desync/smuggling exploitation based on HTTP/2 request processing issues. He submitted the bug to the Cloudflare security team through their bug bounty program. This security issue took Cloudflare a week to fix and was completed on July the 24th. Emil was awarded with a $1’000 bounty, and on August 15th, the company accepted this bug for public disclosure. Here we go. The nature and…

Security products have their own security issues, which can affect products that they were designed to secure. It’s not a recursive loop, but the reality. WAFs there are not an exclusion. You can remember CloudFlare self-DoS that happened last year (https://blog.cloudflare.com/details-of-the-cloudflare-outage-on-july-2-2019/) because of an issue in RegExp signature they applied. Or Imperva’s data breach that disclosures API keys of their clients https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/08/cybersecurity-firm-imperva-discloses-breach/ The latest thing with ModSecurity (https://www.secjuice.com/modsecurity-vulnerability-cve-2019-19886/) is another one example of how it’s…

What do you do if you need to protect your website from XSS attacks? Most people patch it and get a WAF. This is common knowledge and there are plenty of places where you could go to get basic protection for your websites. From a free solution to solutions costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, most of them will claim they protect from OWASP Top 10 threats. So is there a real difference between WAFs?…